The forest seems somehow more friendly in winter, quiet, with smoke floating through from the cottage further on in the glen. He heard they celebrate this time every year to offset the cold dark days. In times past, there were food shortages, even with the best of harvests. But on this special day, there was always a special feast. The man would share his food with the birds and other forest creatures. The woman would bake breads and confections.
This year a young peasant maiden came through. She said she was from a place where her people did not celebrate. They felt that celebration was not humble and plain, as they believed their god wished them to be. The far off land she had come from was also very cold and dark during these months with nothing to cheer them up to get through. This year she decided to stay with the man's son, to see what this holiday was all about. The last time the fox saw her, she was walking home with the family after picking out the Yule tree in the forest. She looked like she had the spirit. She carried seeds and nuts to drop behind her along the way. We notice things like that. She is a good person. It is good to see her celebrating the season. One needs to celebrate, it is too cold to stay separate and just go on as usual every day. I hope she brings this holiday back to her people and shows them that it is not at all proud, it is the spirit of survival and perseverance that her people are so known for. I know that if anyone can do it, it is her.