Friday, August 29, 2008

Handspun Yarn by Jerusha!!

I have rolled out my handspun, kitchen dyed yarns. They are currently on sale at Twisted on NE Broadway, Portland OR. I hope to soon have more stores on the list of places I supply.

Please feel free to email me with questions or comments.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Reaching back to all of my roots

I have been impressed by the recent energy being circulated to bring people of values together in policy, politics and other affairs. I am not a Christian, yet I was raised as one. My parents attempted to raise me as a conservative Christian and a political conservative. However I identify as a Heathen, specifically of the Asatru religion.

As polytheists go, Asatruars are the most conservative of all Pagans. And many are more conservative than myself politically.
For example you will not find nudity or overt sexuality at our gatherings or rituals. A strict family-oriented atmosphere is enforced by both the strong "mama bear" types and the gentle, yet fierce daddy-types who can best be described as semi-tame wolves.

Today, I have a warmth in my heart for conservative Christians. I respect that their faith remains strong and motivates them in so many aspects of their day to day lives. I am of the belief that our values function best when we live them in every aspect of life. And in doing so we challenge ourselves to do everything with higher levels of consciousness.

I do reflect on one shortcoming I've noted in some conservative Christians, including members of my own family. This is the over focus on some aspects of personal morality, ie) what I call "literal rule-adherence" at the expense of other values, such as charitably (without religious strings attached), and social consciousness.

I have seen some Christians focus so strongly on self-deprivation that they lose track of right action in the outer world. They focus inward without challenging themselves to make the world a better place. I've seen the use of "turn the other cheek" to validate non-assertive living. And the use of praying for others to replace non-judgmental regard when interacting with non-believers and those with differing beliefs.

However what I see is a long needed focus on family values in the more liberal parts of our society. This is exemplified by the present movement of the Democratic party towards values above the typical focus on liberal policies.

Maybe we are finally starting to move more comfortably into a place where we can balance individuality, and authentic respect for diversity with common human values such as personal accountability and right action.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Something Big

Coming Soon. . .

My first
entrepreneurial endeavor.
a chance to test my dedication to the belief that values must come before profit in business.
~And that businesses with sound ethical values can indeed prosper!

~All my love,