Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Olde Country. . .And Welcome Sigg!

May 2, 2008 - Friday
The Olde Country. . .And Welcome Sig!
Current mood: nostalgic
Category: Asatru, Ancient Religion and Philosophy
My favorite painting is called "The Olde Country," my favorite song, "The Admirer." Hopefully someday I will take effective vocal lessons so I may do a live show. Cello, vocal as instrument, an olde lady, medieval apparel, and my paintings. . .
I shall be that olde woman in the village cottage scrambling amongst toadstools for herbs. I shall be the towne counselor, the healer. The one some will bury their heart's burdens with.
But some things are not meant to be healed, you cannot, nor should not heal these things. Though to dispell pain and fear is so tempting, though it should not always be done. Being human is pain; it is joy; it is death; it is life and rebirth. To choose life, is to eventually have death. Try as we might, we cannot avoid pain of being human. To avoid pain not only evades pleasure and joy, but it also brings more pain.
Vulnerable, to the elements, to god, to ourselves. Not hopeless, but difficult. No choice but to go on. . . And live the promise we were given before we can remember.
30,000 years ago, not yet at the so called "dawn of time," our people stomped wearily across that Northern land. That land of my people, my grandfathers and my grandmothers, my sisters and my brothers, we walk there together. We will walk there again. Give me my trees and my black forests, those that my ancestors knew. My heart, my heart, my grandmothers whisper behind me, they tug at my soul. They speak of times when our people were persecuted by those who would save us. . . My people were not saved, they were caged.
The christians enslaved our spirits, our minds. My ancestors hid our family treasures deep within their great great grand- descendants. They hid it and put it to sleep so that it might begin to awaken when the time is right.
The time is now!
I have always known that I was the one. For the Folk, I choose to serve and sacrifice my time, my energy, my sweat, and blood. I will give back my spot in their heaven to earn my own place in Valhalla and to pass on the good works I am meant to leave behind me in my path. Yet, do not call me martyr, I am more.
And do not call me unhumble, yet pride is nothing to be ashamed of. I will not apologize for being what you refer to as "white." I will not apologize for being who I am. I did not harm the Natives, nor those we stole from their own homelands in Africa. Yes, some of my people did this, but I did not.
The Romans took the German tribes captive, read Tacitus, he wrote of what he observed of the German tribes' culture. We should be proud, they were a fine people. Did the Romans bring something better, or did they do to our ancestors much the same as what our forfathers did to the Natives? Better, worse, not so simple as that, it is more what was ours was taken and replaced by another. Our culture was overlayed with another, one from the south.
Our people did not live in a hot desert climate. Our people were not meant to worship a desert god. Our people were broken as some then broke the Natives in Vinland.
But we are here now, we are a resiliant people, as our gods endure, so shall we! Our virtues strengthen us, our families bind us -to our roots, above in Valhalla, below in Helheim.
The time for reawakening is now, let us celebrate this new life, this new beginning. May many blessings come to you, our wonderful, bright, SIG!
Welcome to Midgard!

The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan, Documentary (Sci-Fi, 2004)

Topic: The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan, Documentary (Sci-Fi, 2004)
(Available on Netflix)
Current mood: inquisitive, inspired
Category: Art, Spirituality, Response to Modern Skepticism
Here is a posting from Museum of Hoaxes' section on the M. Night documentary controversy:
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 | 07:21 AM
"The truth is, i paid Sci-Fi to announce that its a hoax. When i drowned, i saw dead people. I tried to describe my childhood in the movie "the 6th sense", the drowning in "the unbreakable", the death of my family in "signs", and if you still don't understand the meaning of "the lady in the water", here is the explanation. The lady who comes out of the water is me when i came back from the dead after the drowning. The wolf who keeps the lady from jumping into the pool is the same force of belief that keeps me from jumping back into the pond and giving up on my superpowers. "The Village" is about a group of people i see everyday of my life. Those people are from very past generations with very old tradition believes. I see them everyday.

The reason why i include my life in movies because this something no one can be quite about, i need to tell someone, i need someone to know what i'm seeing, how i'm living. But, if i say it out loud directly people would believe i'm insane. Thank you for believing in this, for those who think the actors don't know how to act its because those are not hired actors, they are real life characters who had to do something included in my life.

Once again, thank you. ~Posted by m. night in Phila"
I, Jerusha, am aware of the common belief that this movie was a hoax. And that M. Night himself has said so. But to me that does not put an end to it.
To those skeptics who do not believe. . . We all have choices. We can choose to have the courage to believe or to instead choose the tempting ability to condescend to others, which oftentimes goes along with skepticism. Skepticism can be healthy and a protective mechanism, but sometimes it limits our ability to experience more pleasant feelings. Some of those pleasant feelings are spiritual in nature.
I too am skeptical when someone tries to sell me something. However, it costs me nothing to believe M. Night's own words in the documentary. And it costs me nothing to believe that M. Night would have written something very like what the person above wrote.
M. Night might very well have waited this long, 'til things have pretty much blown over to write, there being less at stake. Possibly those who would have been a real danger to him have moved on by now. Also, I believe him to be a genuine, large-hearted man who might feel just a bit sad about having lied to so many believers.
This documentary really touched me. The shots of Night in the doc. touched me. I'm from that part of Pennsylvania, and it is magical there compared to other parts of this country. Hauntings are very common, I grew up on those stories.
The Pennsylvania Germans that settled there first are a very strong, yet mystical set, some would call it superstitious. The ancient reconstructionist religion called Asatru, which is based on their pre-Christian beliefs, shows that.
It makes me sad that so many of us decide we have to be so hard and skeptical to survive these days. I think some of the skeptics of this documentary are *afraid to believe. Afraid that they might be taken advantage of. But not this time, What harm will it do to believe the documentary, or Night's movies for that matter?
~Have some courage, walk there with him into the unprovable.